Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Consider It

Last week while participating in a father-son World Series baseball tournament in Phoenix, Arizona my testimony of the Gospel was strengthened by a simple picture. Let me explain.

It had been a while since I had left the bubble of Provo, Utah. That means I hadn't heard a swear word, a dirty joke or even seen an alcohol bottle in a long time. I was used to that atmosphere. That's probably why I was shocked to meet some new friends on the team who seamed to be incapable of finishing a sentence without the F-bomb or a sexual joke mixed in there. I don't mean to be judgmental, but even through their laughs and jokes it was clear as day that there was something missing in their lives. 

It didn't completely sink in until a friend of mine sent me a simple picture with a smile. Wow. There it was. In one simple picture I saw the meaning of the gospel. I saw a smile that reflected true happiness and eyes filled with Christ's light. It reminded me that when we follow the Savior the blessings are evident even in our countenances. It didn't matter that she happened to be drop dead gorgeous. You can't fake that kind of joy. There is no filter on Instagram called "Light of Christ." There is no earthly source that can provide the kind of peace and love that come from the everlasting gospel. None that even come close!

We are all imperfect people, but I know that following Jesus Christ is the way to true, lasting happiness. I know that He lives and is waiting for us with open arms. Any sacrifice necessary to have His Spirit guiding you in your life is eternally worth it. And if you ever question that, you can start by following the ageless council of King Benjamin from the Book of Mormon who said:

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it. (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 2:41)

If you are wanting to know more about how you can have the peace and joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ more fully in your life, let's have a chat :)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Let there be light: finding love in the darkest of times

This week's beautiful blog post is from guest blogger Carlie Palmer. Carlie writes:

There is so much darkness in this world. So much. There are millions of hungry, suffering children. There are murders and kidnappings. There are beggars dotting the streets in cities around the world. There is abuse and violence. This is not an easy world to live in.

Over the last three months I have witnessed much of this darkness. I work in an orphanage that is home to over eighty children, though it was built for fifty. These eighty children have been abandoned or taken from their families because of neglect or abuse. In the afternoon we go to the hospital and care for more abandoned children. I have spent hours in the ICU with sick, wheezing infants who have oxygen masks strapped to their faces. I have held children who seemed close to death, their bodies tiny and weak. I have seen children and adults alike who are missing limbs and begging in the streets for food. Yes, there is plenty of darkness in this world. Enough to even get lost in.

Then how is it that I am happier now than I have been in a very long time? How is it possible that my heart feels so full of love and praise? I know of no other explanation than this: Because of the Savior, the world is also full of light.  

I have honestly been completely puzzled by my happiness here in Romania. That sounds odd, I realize, but it is true. I expected to feel completely weighed down by the hardship that would surround me each day. I thought that my heart would be completely broken by what I would see and experience. I was wrong. Well, at least partially.

Many days I do feel the weight of the suffering that encircles me. My heart does ache for these people. I have felt deep anguish as I have come to love people who have so little and have watched as they suffer. Every time I go into the ICU at the hospital I am overwhelmed with a profound sorrow for the children there. I do experience the darkness. While I know that this is just a taste of the darkness that the children must have experienced, to me it is real and intense.

But there is something more powerful. In Genesis we read of the creation of the world.

Genesis 1:1-3
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

I feel this same process happening inside of me every day. I step out of my communist bloc apartment building and enter the dark world. I go to the orphanage. I see hard things. I sit next to my sweet, paralyzed girl Adi and dream about the life she will never have. My heart fills with sorrow. And then, somehow, Christ enters my heart and says, “Let there be light.” And there is.

This happened to me at the hospital the other day. Again, I was in the ICU (which looks nothing like the ICUs that we are used to I might add). There is a tiny baby there with severe hydrocephalus. Because of his condition his head is large and misshapen. His giant head must weigh more than the rest of his body combined and then some. This sweet little boy does not move much and when he makes noise it is a quiet sort of whimper, as if he is too sick to even cry. A few days ago I went to check on him. I checked his diaper and it was dry. I could not pick him up because of the severity of his condition. I felt helpless. The few diapers that I left in his crib seemed a completely insignificant offering. I didn’t know what else to do so I laid my hand gently on his tummy and began to hum. I don’t know if he was even aware that I was there. I had a moment of complete despair. I knew this child was close to death but that, with the proper medical care, could probably be fine. I knew that he had been abandoned there and was now suffering without a mother or father by his side. I felt darkness weighing on my heart. But even there, God reached me. He said, “Let there be light,” and again, there was.

God whispered to my heart that He loved that little boy and that while his earthly family was not by his side, He was. I felt so much peace in knowing that someone cared, that someone understood the pain of this small child. I felt strongly that this boy would be taken care of. Someday, when he is with God, he will run and jump and play with the other children. Even is his life, the light will chase away the darkness. 

So yes, our world is full of darkness. There will be times in our lives when that darkness seems to completely overwhelm us. But somehow, if we turn to Him, God will again say, “Let there be light.” And there will be.

There is a Chinese proverb that says, “Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”
Every time we do a good deed, help someone in need, smile, love someone, share what we have, etc. we are adding to the light in the world. Focusing on the darkness will not make it go away. Lighting a candle will.

In John 14:18 Christ promises, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”
I testify that this promise is real. I have experienced His comfort and care. He has filled my darkest moments with light.

Over and over again.

-Carlie Palmer

Here is the link to Carlie's incredible blog:

Want to learn more about how to have the light of Christ more in your life?
Chat with a representative from the church of Jesus Christ if Latter-day Saints:

Sunday, August 31, 2014

A French Miracle

I visited home last weekend for a very special family occasion. My little brother was going to the temple to recieve his Endowment! (

Before we entered the temple we stopped by the visitors center to look around. Right before leaving, my dad told me he heard a sister missionary speaking French, so I walked up to her and started speaking French with her. I learned that she only knew basic vocabulary but it was still cool. 

After we went back outside to take pictures in front of the temple, we were shorty followed by two sister missionaries from the visitors center who wanted to talk with us. They told me that two French people had just walked into the visitors center with limited English, and they wanted me to come help teach them! It was the perfect timing!

I was able to speak with these two young French guys about the restoration of the gospel and how it could be a blessing in their lives. The reason that the came to the temple while on vacation was because they saw this huge, beautiful building on the hillside and they were just drawn to it! And now they have a greater understanding of who we really are and how Christ is at the center of all we do. They even know where to go to contact the missionaries in France to learn more!

I am grateful to a Heavenly Father who looks over us and guides us to be in the right place at the right time. I know He loves us and wants us to be happy. The ultimate proof of this love is manifested through Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 

Want to learn more about anything you learned on this blog or any other topic?
Chat with a Mormon!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Why Mormons Do Genealogy: a testimony from Darci Crandall

Darci Crandall writes:

Since I was young, I’ve loved learning about different peopleand cultures.  One thing I’ve noticed is that in pretty much every culture there exists the idea of honoring one’s parents and forefathers.  In Spain, Mexico, and many South American countries, there is the “Dia de los Muertos,” where people remember and pray for their friends and family that have passed on.  Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, originated from the same root idea.  In Confucianist Asian culture, the concept of filial piety plays a large role--which is showing reverence to one’s parents and ancestors.  And many languages from across the globe have lower and higher forms, to distinguish and recognize those who are older as ones we should respect.

"A Family Tree" -by Norman Rockwell

It’s intrinsic in every culture—to honor one’s forbears.  And in my mind there is no greater way that I can honor my ancestors than to offer them the saving ordinances included in the gospel of Jesus Christ.


In the scriptures, the Savior declared that “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5).  Christ himself was baptized (see Matthew 3:15-17), and the Book of Mormon prophet Nephi added that “if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfil all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!” (2 Nephi 31:5).


Because baptism is such a necessary ordinance, and not all people have the opportunity to hear the gospel during their mortal lives, God has provided a way that His Will may be accomplished.  Through a latter-day prophet, God has once again revealed how ordinances are to be performed for those who have died.  These ordinances take place in temples and are performed by live proxies. (See also 1 Cor. 15:29)


The ordinances, (for example, baptism by immersion, or confirmation to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost), are performed in behalf of those who are dead so that if they choose they may receive those ordinances as their own.  When Mormons perform temple ordinances for our ancestors, it is not forced upon them.  It is not something that can be forced upon them.  What we are doing can be likened to opening a door.  We open the door, but they must choose for themselves whether they will enter.  We do hope that they will choose Christ and His Way.  And so we offer that opportunity of choosing to all that we can. 


We offer it to them because we love them—because they’re family.


In the Latter-day Saint faith, we believe that Heavenly Father is the literal Father of our spirits.  We lived with Him as part of His Family before coming to the earth.  Only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ can we return to live with Him again.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to return to their presences because They love us.  They love us because we are Family.  Heavenly Father wants us to have everything He has, and I believe that is why He organized us on this earth in families. And our families can be together forever when we are sealed in holy temples.


Want to know more about how family history and genealogy can bless your life?

Chat with a Mormon:

Sunday, August 3, 2014


This week, guest blogger Kristina Murri shares some wonderful insights. She writes:

At this time in our lives, "the decade of decisions," we face many very important decisions, and some of these decisions will be quite hard.


In the past couple of weeks, I have decided to attend graduate school for Statistics and also earn my PhD., so that I can become a professor. While I am quite excited about the opportunities that this choice will offer, it now requires quite a bit of hard work. I will have to take the GRE this summer, fit in a few extra Stats classes before I graduate, while continuing to improve in my classes.


At times, it would be easy to back out and say what I am facing is too hard and too difficult or not worth it in the long run, but during these times is exactly when I must demonstrate more faith and even - courage. Courage is doing the right thing even though it may be the hard thing. While I may face much work ahead of me, I hope it will be worth it and so I will continue to press on. Courage is continuing to exercise faith even when the odds may be against us.


During this day and age and phase in our lives, we must develop the attribute of courage. We must stand strong for our beliefs despite the outcomes that lie ahead.


That's why I love this video about courage. It shows Queen Ester as she approaches the king in behalf of the Jews. To stand before the King without being called was to face death, yet through her fasting and prayers and the fasting of her people, she goes in unto the king.


This video teaches that whatever our individual circumstance, we will be called to face the difficult tests. The choice is ours to show courage or to falter.


This is what President Monson says about courage. "Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. Courage is regarded not only as a willingness to die manfully, but also a determination to live decently. Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well."


Most of all, I know that courage will allow us to prove our faith. We will become more like Christ and in the end, we will be glad that we have chosen the high road and not to falter. Courage gives us the ability to practice other Christ like virtues. Exercising our courage will transform us into people of strong character.


I am choosing to have courage!

-Kristina Murri

Want to know how you can gain more courage through Christ? Chat with a Mormon here:

Sunday, July 13, 2014


What does it mean to you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? 
Elder Neil A. Maxwell said,
"God’s greatest gift—eternal life—will be given... to... those who respond to Jesus’ invitation, “Come, follow me” (Luke 18:22)."

When Christ called out to peter and his brother Andrew while they were fishing, "they straightway left their nets and followed him "(Mathew 4:20). There is great meaning that can be found in the reaction of these two noble men.

What are the "nets" that we must drop in our own lives in order to follow Him? They can come in many different forms.
"Jealousy, resentment, and self-pity can all keep us from becoming alive in Christ."
"We [should] also be much less concerned with our public image and with what “they” think, being, instead, much more concerned with having Jesus’ image in our countenance."

Whatever nets may be holding us back, there is no sacrifice that's not worth making that would allow us to follow Jesus Christ more fully.
"There is no greater calling, no greater challenge, and no greater source of joy—both proximate joy and ultimate joy—than that which is found in the process of discipleship. This process brings its own joys and reassurances. We must not, however, expect the world to understand or to value our discipleship; they will not. In a way, they may admire us from afar, but they will be puzzled about the priorities resulting from our devotion."

In order to withstand the pressures of the world, our discipleship must come from us. It must be a true, ongoing effort summoned by our own use of the God given gift of agency. It takes more than sitting and listening and feeling good. It takes learning by faith.

When I say learning by faith I mean, for example, that nothing that you will read in this blog post will have any lasting effect on you unless you take what the Spirit of God has whispered to you and go and have your own, personal experience with the Savior's atonement. Same goes for us with any talk, or doctrine, or ordinance. 
"So it is that discipleship requires all of us to translate doctrines, covenants, ordinances, and teachings into improved personal behavior. Otherwise we may be doctrinally rich but end up developmentally poor." 

When we start having more and more personal experiences with the Savior's atonement shaping us into better disciples, we begin to see things clearer. One thing we see clearer is who we really are. We really start living.
"Discipleship turns on our spiritual sensitivities. It increases the “aliveness” in each of us. These sensitivities are enhanced, not diminished, with discipleship. It’s part of what the scriptures call becoming “alive in Christ because of our faith” (2 Ne. 25:25; see also Rom. 6:11; 1 Cor. 15:22). In contrast, there’s a dullness and a sameness about sin. With discipleship we learn to act for ourselves rather than merely letting ourselves be “acted upon” by circumstances (see 2 Ne. 2:13).
The more we act and learn through personal, faith driven experiences and tap into His power, the more we see who the Savior truly is.

"Shouldering the yoke of discipleship greatly enhances both our adoration and knowledge of Jesus, because then we experience, firsthand, through our parallel but smaller-scaled experiences, a small but instructive portion of what the Savior experienced. We come to know him better and better. Knowledge alone, however, is not enough for true discipleship."

Which brings us to maybe the most difficult and ongoing test of discipleship: The battle to conquer the natural man.

I think that one of the most powerful tools the adversary uses against us is the slow, and sneaky way he gets us to just go through the motions. It's true, we are stripped of power when we take for granted the amazing tools Heavenly Father has given us to grow. I have felt it as I just read my scriptures nonchalantly and pray without fervor. I've felt it when I give service without love in my heart. I've felt it when I've tried to take the easy way out of trials before learning what Heavenly Father needed me to learn. The natural man is ok with easy sailing, while the holy man inside is starved.
 When we strive to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily, "then we can learn the great lessons about the relationship of righteousness to the powers and the joys of heaven.
It is left to each of us to balance contentment regarding what God has allotted to us in life with some divine discontent resulting from what we are in comparison to what we have the power to become."

Brothers and sisters, nobody is perfect and the Savior knows that. He knows better than anyone! And for that reason He blesses us for every single effort we give. Discouragement is never His desire for us. However low we feel, it's His hope that He yearns for us to hold on to.
"So, the lingering question should not be, How many imperfections do I have? but rather, Is my discipleship sufficiently serious that I am working patiently and steadily to overcome my weaknesses, perhaps even changing some of them into strengths? (see Ether 12:27)."

I testify with all my heart that He can and will change weaknesses into strengths which brings a joy like no other. A joy that is more personal than anything else.

"Of course, when it occurs in our lives, emancipation from various forms of bondage brings no celebrating parades, nor does it make the evening news. But it is big news because we “come off conqueror” (D&C 10:5)."

Now if you've felt something today in your heart, remember this quote:
“Now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them” (Mosiah 4:10). Such is still the test. Deeds, not words—and becoming, not describing—are dominant in true discipleship."

And let's remember to be patient.

Life may be full of disappointments, unexpected changes, or even bad timing or blown chances but, "in an ultimate sense our individual developmental schedules reflect God’s timetable, not ours, for God will not withhold from us certain growing experiences that He, in His infinite wisdom, allows us to undergo for our eternal benefit. His timetable, if followed, prepares us incrementally for the journey of discipleship and for going home."

So let us drop our nets, exert the necessary efforts to learn by faith, and strive to conquer the natural man. I testify that in doing so the blessings of heaven will be poured down upon us. I know that Christ lives and He knows His sheep by name. 

Want to know more about how becoming a disciple of Christ can change your life for the better?

Click here to chat with a Mormon missionary :)

Quotes from this blog post came from here:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Parable of the Vacation

Recently I had an amazing blessing of being able to return to France and Switzerland where I served two years as a volunteer missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I went all alone and it was a true adventure! I came back with more than just another trip to Europe under my belt. I learned some special lessons that I would like to share with you all! See if you can see how the people in my story can represent the Savior in our own lives.

Getting to Europe was a challenge. I knew it would be hard but I knew it would be worth the effort. The first day I tried to get on a plane with my standby ticket I wasn't able to. I hoped for an available seat for the next day but when I woke up the next morning I learned that the planes for that day and for the following days were all full. There was little chance I would get there if I kept trying to go to Paris. I also learned that morning that there was a chance I could catch a  plane to London! I rushed to the train station that took me to the airport but even with this haste I missed the checkin deadline to catch the flight. I wasn't sure what to do until I saw a man who looked like he was in charge. I told him I was late and asked what my options were. He said that I missed the deadline but he could make a call and see what he could do. To my great joy he said that they would let me through! Woot woot! I ran through security and barely made it to the gate to get the last spot before takeoff! 

I got to Europe at about 12pm which is 3am in California and I hadn't yet slept. With no access to internet or portable communication, I dragged my luggage around London for a couple hours until I finally decided to buy a bus ticket through the EuroTunnel to Paris. Unfortunately there were no available spots on a bus until the next morning! I was stuck in the very expensive town of London with no place to stay. As I laid on the grass in a park I had no idea what I was going to do. Despite the menacing doom of my current predicament I had a feeling that all would be ok. I was determined to reach my goal and I wouldn't give up. I found strength to lift my tired body off the floor and kept going. Finally I was lead to find an Internet Cafe where I paid to use the internet. There, to my surprise, a message from a friend I made as a missionary was waiting for me on Facebook. It said, "mate, are you in London??? :)" (he saw a post my mom had tagged me in saying that I was going there.) I told him I was and he explained that he had been living in London for the last three months and that I could stay at his place that night! Saved!

With a full stomach and great night's rest I set off the next morning to take the train that would take me to the bus going to Paris. To add to my difficulties, all the trains were closed that day for a strike! Yikes! I was guided to a bus that would take me to the same place. I nervously waited, wondering if I would be late and have to pay for another ticket and hope for another open seat sometime soon. I got to my destination and ran to the station where I made it just in time to catch my bus that took me to Paris! My suit was a little worn out and my legs were barking but I made it to Paris. I found my way to the train station through the metro system and I was finally at my destination that night at 10:30. 

It may have been the craziest and most tiring trip I have ever taken but it was all so worth it. Later that week I was able to witness a family that I love be married for time and for all eternity in a temple of God in beautiful Switzerland. The joy on their faces filled my heart with gladness and peace and I forgot all the troubles I had gone through to get to were I was. I know I could never had reached my destination alone and I am so very grateful! 

It doesn't matter how we get there, as long as we never give up. Heavenly Father is there every step of the way to guide us and lift us up.

LDS temple in Bern, Switzerland

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to Unleash Our Inner Awesome

We are so awesome! When I say we I mean everyone in the whole world. Every single one of God's children. The thing is, whether we recognize it at first or not, we sometimes act or think in certain ways that cause us to forget or lose sight of our amazing potential. A couple of weeks ago I reread an amazing talk that was given at a 1996 BYU devotional by F. Enzio Busche called "Unleashing the Dormant Spirit." In this talk he listed the following bullet points as ways to help us be a better disciple of Christ. I like to see it as a guide on, "How to unleash our inner awesome." I hope they change your life as they did mine. :)

-"Embrace this day with an enthusiastic wel
come, no matter how it looks. The covenant with God to which you are true enables you to become enlightened by him, and nothing is impossible for you.

-When you are physically sick, tired, or in despair, steer your thoughts away fromyourself and direct them, in gratitude and love, toward God.

 -In your life there have to be challenges. They will either bring you closer to God and there- fore make you stronger, or they can destroy you. But you make the decision of which road you take.

-First and foremost, you are a spirit child of God. If you neglect to feed your spirit, you will reap unhappiness. Don’t permit any- thing to detract you from this awareness.

-You cannot communicate with God unless you have first sacrificed your self-oriented natural man and have brought yourself into the lower levels of meekness, to become acceptable for the Light of Christ.

-Put all frustrations, hurt feelings, and grum- blings into the perspective of your eternal hope. Light will flow into your soul.

-Pause to ponder the suffering Christ felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. In the awareness of the depth of gratitude for him, you appre- ciate every opportunity to show your love for him by diligently serving in his Church.

-God knows that you are not perfect. As you suffer about your imperfections, he will give you comfort and suggestions of where to improve.

-God knows better than you what you need. He always attempts to speak to you. Listen, and follow the uncomfortable suggestions that he makes to us—everything will fall into its place.

-Avoid any fear like your worst enemy, but magnify your fear about the consequences of sin.

-When you cannot love someone, look into that person’s eyes long enough to find the hidden rudiments of the child of God in him.

-Never judge anyone. When you accept this, you will be freed. In the case of your own children or subordinates, where you have the responsibility to judge, help them to become their own judges.

-If someone hurts you so much that your feel- ings seem to choke you, forgive and you will be free again.

-Avoid at all cost any pessimistic, negative, or criticizing thoughts. If you cannot cut them out, they will do you harm. On the road toward salvation, let questions arise but never doubts. If something is wrong, God will give you clarity but never doubts.

-Avoid rush and haste and uncontrolled words. Divine light develops in places of peace and quiet. Be aware of that as you enter places of worship.

-Be not so much concerned about what you do, but do what you do with all your heart, might, and strength. In thoroughness is satisfaction.

-You want to be good and to do good. That is commendable. But the greatest achievement that can be reached in our lives is to be under the complete influence of the Holy Ghost. Then he will teach us what is really good and necessary to do.

-The pain of sacrifice lasts only one moment. It is the fear of the pain of sacrifice that makes you hesitate to do it.Be grateful for every opportunity to serve. It helps you more than those you serve.

-And finally, when you are compelled to give up something or when things that are dear to you are withdrawn from you, know that this is your lesson to be learned right now. But know also that, as you are learning this lesson, God wants to give you something better."

Here is the link to the full talk! :)

I bare my testimony that God lives and He loves us so much. He wants us to be perfectly happy like He is. That's why He sent His Son. To learn more about how to find true happiness and healing through the gospel of Jesus Christ visit

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Let Your Light So Shine

Its a new semester and we have a lot of new faces joining us in the Provo YSA 2nd stake! We will be having trainings in everyone ward soon once all the callings are issued to fill the spots in the digital mission committee. Right now we want to give an overview of what the digital mission is and how everyone can get involved with our efforts to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the whole world! Let your light so shine :)

❖First off, if you have any questions or suggestions you can go through your ward’s district leader or post it/message on the stake Facebook page. The contact info for your ward's district coordinator is in the "about" section of the Facebook page.
❖Get the word out! Share with the world. Especially your friends.
❖You can participate in every aspect of the digital mission! You don’t need a calling to do any of the things that the stake digital committee is assigned to do.
❖We need the expertise of the whole stake. Message in your ideas and suggestions.

Facebook page: headquarters of the stake digital mission.
Provo YSA 2nd Stake Digital Mission
➢Like it!
➢Share it with other members from all over and share with them how they could get involved with the digital effort
➢refer regularly to the stake page to find new blog posts, announcements, tips and other updates to the stake social media accounts
Every day there will be a new post on the page. Each day of the week has a certain theme. The daily post themes are the following:
Sunday - Missionary Moments & Stake Digital Mission Leader Blog Post
Monday - Weekly Challenge
Tuesday - Zone 1 & 2 Blog Posts
Wednesday - Digital Missionary Work How-To
Thursday - Zone 3 & 4 Blog Posts
Friday - Funny Friday!
Saturday - Updates & a Mormon Message

➢Promote the blog by sharing it with everyone
➢Share ideas of good blog topics to write about
➢Volunteer or be invited to be a guest blogger
➢Invite others (preferably non-members) to be guest bloggers. 
Comment on the blog with questions or your personal testimony
➢Share the blog sites with friends/family currently serving missions so they can share it with their investigators when appropriate.
Digital Mission Leader Blog:
Zone 1:
Zone 2:
Zone 3:
Zone 4:

YouTube: Let's Touch A Million Lives
➢Share the videos with everyone
➢Create a video sharing our testimony, a talent or something else creative with your ward, FHE group or by yourself. Give these videos to the YouTube Zone Leader. Contact info in about section of this page.

Twitter: @mission1000000
➢Introduce others to the stake twitter account
➢Suggest your favorite quotes to be tweeted by texting in to this number: (765) 387-9722 aka (765) 387-YSA2

Instagram: letstouchamillionlives 
➢Like and comment on the pictures and quotes
➢Introduce others to the stake Instagram account
➢suggest/create pictures and quotes to be posted on the account

Text in tweets, questions, and suggestions here: (765) 387-9722 aka (765) 387-YSA2

Email here:

Click here to sign up for the opportunity to write a post for one of the stake digital mission blogs:

We testify that this is The Lord's work and sharing His love with our brothers and sisters around us brings great joy and many blessings into our lives. Welcome to the stake and we are happy to have you! Together we can touch millions of lives!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Deep Beauty

This week's blog post is written by guest blogger Kristina Murri! Thanks Kristina!

She writes:

One of my favorite Mormon Messages is called "Deep Beauty" which describes the unique opportunity that Sister Elaine S. Dalton had to meet President David O. McKay and his wife.

I love this video because it describes the kind of person I would like to become.

I love how it describes what it truly means to be beautiful in God's sight.

There are many people in the world who are confused about what it means to have beauty. They try to cover up who they are, find the latest new fashions, or try a bazillion other things so that others will see them as attractive or popular.

However, when we come to know who we really are, those things do not matter nearly as much. While those things can help us look nice and respectable, they are not what define us. Elder Maxwell has said, "We are not mortal beings on a spiritual journey, but we are heavenly beings with an earthly passport."

I believe that each one of us has this quality of potential as Sister Dalton speaks about. As we live righteously, we will be prepared to inherit our divine nature as children of our Heavenly Father.

Kristina Murri

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Because of Him

Happy Easter!!
How has the Savior changed your life? Comment on this blog by finishing the sentence:  
Because of Him....

Learn more about the true meaning of Easter and the Atonement of Jesus Christ here:      

Monday, April 14, 2014

Oh, My Joy is FULL!

This week's wonderful post is written by guest blogger Kristen Kennedy:
My heart is full with the joy and excitement of the first General Women's Meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

All women, ages 8 and up all over the world were invited to attend the meeting, or a broadcast of the meeting. Leaders from the General Auxiliaries of the Church, including the Primary, Young Women, and Relief Society, hosted the meeting

As a woman in the Church, I was curious to see how the meeting would be able to address needs of women from the young age of 8 to the more mature years. I was excited to learn, to grow, to feel, to hear, to know the truths that were taught. I was filled with the Holy Ghost, as the meeting progressed with music, talks, and presentations. 

I have always felt a connection with music. Although I am not the most musically inclined person, I appreciate music and feel so much more with music than I do with other mediums. The choir was made up of girls, young women, and women from many stakes in Utah. The songs they sang were filled with strength and the Spirit, with truth and testimony, with beauty and bravery. Along with the actual singing, I absolutely LOVED how many moms and daughters were singing together, and holding hands or touching in some way while they were performing. I have to admit, I missed my mom a bit more during those parts. I was overwhelmed by the messages of love, hope, and determination in the music.

The talks that were given were beautifully basic. We were taught simply to be covenant keeping women. We were instructed on how to use our hands and lives for good. We were shown the example of others, and our Savior, on how to become more, to become who we are meant to be, to become that perfect (complete) person our Heavenly Father knows we are, even if we don't see it yet. I loved how all 4 speakers were able to beautifully intertwine concepts and truths throughout the meeting, while still presenting ideas in new ways that provided me with 'aha moments'. 

The presentations reminded me of the beautiful fact that we are a worldwide sisterhood. I thought of my beloved sisters in Bulgaria, my cherished sisters from my younger years, and my treasured sisters with whom I get to interact on a regular basis these days. We may speak different languages, we may find beauty in different things, we may have assorted goals in life, but as President Henry B. Eyring said, "We are more alike as Daughters of God than we are different." There is greatness in our diversity, and strength that comes as we find connections, and as we remember the wise words of Marjorie Pay Hinckley, "Oh, how we need each other!", we will find unity and strength, no matter where we are geographically, spiritually, or emotionally. 

One of the blessings from this meeting were the thoughts and inspirations that came to my mind. Yes, the words that were sung, spoken, and presented were well thought out, lovely, and true, but the thoughts and inspirations that came TO me are precious invitations to act, do, and become. I look forward to the processes in my life that will help me become the woman I am on my way to becoming as I fulfill my potential more and more each day. 

Oh, My Joy is FULL!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Parable of the Chemistry Test

The Parable of the Chemistry Test

A couple days ago I had a General College Chemistey test. In the weeks leading up to this test I studied for hours upon hours so I could be ready. When the time came to take it, with my trail mix  and water bottle in hand, I marched into the testing center. Four hours later I finished the test and as I looked at my grade I realized I had achieved a new personal record... for the lowest test score I had ever gotten! 

But the feeling I had as I left the testing center surprised me. Instead of depression and wallowing, I felt two completely opposite feelings:
1. Peace
2. Determination to do better

I was grateful for these feelings and the spirit helped me learn a lesson about life. I believe that our earthly achievements are not as highly regarded in the eyes of God as are our efforts to become better people. Of course He wants us to succeed and be happy, but the blessings of His gospel to do not hinge on the results of a chemistry test, a promotion at work, the amount of money we have, or any other worldly advancement. We are blessed when we are striving to follow the Savior.

I believe I was accorded peace after that test not because Heavenly Father wanted me to fail, but because He was happy with my hard work to prepare. Instead of me then being weighed down by the heaviness of failure, I was lifted up by the hope of improvement. 

I know that because of the victory of Jesus Christ we all have a hope of improvement. The Lord is waiting to reward every effort we make and give us strength beyond our own. All we must do is turn to Him. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Don't Be Road Kill

This week's wonderful blog post is from an anonymous guest blogger. Enjoy!

Last week I got a phone call from a very stressed sister of mine. In the middle of a move to a new apartment with a new roommate, she had been feeling keenly some anxiety of the unknown. She was already committed to the arrangement and short of quitting her job and moving into our parent's garage her options were fairly limited. All the same, the fear had made her start to doubt the decision she had been so excited for just a few days previous. I asked her if she liked the new apartment. She said yes. I asked her if she preferred living with her new roommate to her old one. Again, she affirmed. I asked her if she'd prayed about her decision. Her answer was yes, but she hadn't been told exactly what to do.

Life is complicated. Full of forks in the road, twists, turns, and even some off-reading at times. But one thing in life is consistent: if you want something to happen, you have to start moving. Sometimes I think that when we have important decisions to make, we want someone to tell us what to do. The stakes are too high. We don't have experience. Someone, clearly, must know better. But God does not always work that way. If you always wait to be told what to do before you act, you effectively paralyze yourself. If you are too afraid to go right because of missing what is to the left, you will never reach the beach or the mountains. And as you stand there, frozen in indecision, when life does come around and happen to you, you're far more likely to be run over than taken anywhere you wanted to go.

Sometimes God doesn't make our choices for us, but this is a blessing. It is a chance for growth and a sign of His trust. Sometimes He needs us to learn to become initiators instead of followers. And in these situations I have learned that it can be much more beneficial to pray to know if ours is a good choice, not if it is the right one.

The next day I received another phone call from my sister. As soon as she understood where her anxiety was coming from, her feelings toward the new living arrangement improved. It wasn't till after she moved forward that the peace about her decision came. If we can just trust that God is not abandoning when we get to choose, wonderful opportunities unfold and we can gain an increase in love for Him and confidence in ourselves.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The World's Most Expensive Lightbulb!

Service is a wonderful way to find joy in this life. However, it can be hard to find opportunities to give meaningful service. Sometimes we even hold back from  helping others because we are afraid we will just make the situation worse. This last week an event happened in my family that taught me a lesson about serving others. Here is the story of "The World's Most Expensive Lightbulb!"

Last week my mom posted this picture on Facebook: 

Many people commented asking what had happened but she didn't tell why. I finally called her up to ask what had happened to her favorite table. It turned out my dad wanted to change all the lightbulbs in the kitchen, and to render this service, he stood in the middle of the kitchen table. Oops. Many people would consider this a major fail, but I was touched when I heard what my mom said about it. "Your dad was just trying to make me happy." Yeah, so he broke her favorite table. But she was able to see that he did it for a good reason. I am grateful for a dad that has a good heart like that. Plus, he fixed the table afterwards:

J.K. Rowling once said, "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default."

We can be tools in God's hand in helping His children feel loved. We just gotta go for it. When we have love in our hearts, our service will impact those around us in a positive way, even if we break their favorite kitchen table!  :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Parable of the Basketball Team

As you prepare to make the team you realize that you are going to have to work hard. You have a couple buddies helping you out, but it's difficult to change your footwork errors and improve your dribbling. Despite the difficulties, you improve through practice and your desire to be on the team grows. You realize that even though you are making a bunch of shots now it is not directly contributing to the team winning any games. You know that you will never get a championship ring if you're not on the team. 
So even though you're not perfect at free throws, you try out for the team. To your great joy, you are welcomed whole heartedly. The coach tells you that even though you still have many things to work on, he will be there to help if you put forth the effort. He tells you he can make you into an all-star if you trust him.
At first it's hard to learn the plays and it gets a little discouraging. Fortunately, you have your teammates there to lift you up and help you see your potential. 
You win some games and you lose some, but all throughout the season you are getting better and it feels good. You finally feel like you are where you belong. Your skills are way more advanced than they would have ever been if you hadn't joined the team. 
The championship game comes along and you can't help but feel a bit inadequate and overwhelmed. You go to your coach's office and explain your feelings. He smiles and says, "I know how you feel. I've been there before. You are so much more talented than you know. Don't worry about those yelling in the stands. They can't harm you unless you let them. Follow the plays I've taught you and you can't lose." 
The championship game feels like a blur. It's like you are floating on the encouraging confidence that your coach has in you. As you raise the championship trophy high above your head there is an overwhelming joy that fills your heart. Tears flow freely as you reflect back on the season and all you have been able to accomplish. With the help of your teammates and especially your coach, at the end of the season you have become the basketball player you were meant to be. Your name is placed in the hall of fame right next to your coach's. 

You can join the team too!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Keys to a Successful Life

What is success?

A lot of our friends and family have shared what they believe to be some of the most important things someone can do to live a successful life. See why they have to say! :) then check out what a living apostle of The Lord said about living a successful life

Craig Gordon:
1) Build your worldview from the ground up instead of from authoritative figures down to you. Can't go into this one enough. It does amazing things to help you realize potential and appreciate yourself.
2) Do what you love and love what you do. 
3) Even if there is a pie in the sky, the chance that it will fall on your plate is very slim. Make the pie yourself and you're much more sure to have desert that night.

Julia Greene:
1) Live with integrity.
2) Love your spouse with all your heart.
3) Choose to be happy, no matter what happens.

Kristie Moffat:
1) Maintain a strong sense of personal integrity and don't give your integrity away for any perceived advancement 
2) maintain an individual balance between work and personal life, being honest with yourself when setting time priorities. If your family is most important, reflect that in how you manage your time 
3) be in touch with what makes you the happiest and define your path of success based on that not necessarily on typical success factors (money, prestige, position)

Laura Graham:
1) Truly impacting someone else's life positively (at least one other person).
2) Stand by your decisions & what you believe is right.
3) Have a good sense of humor!!!

Jennifer Molnar: 
1) Care about something. Something important, preferably (people, especially, and God) and more than one, if you can, but if you can't manage that, then at least care about something. A hobby, an ideal, long as you have something you can care about, God and meaning and purpose can still reach you. 
2) Observe & think honestly. I think of this as identifying the truth of a situation--the participants, the motivations, determining the most relevant details as well as those that may be initially hidden or have unexpected implications. Then to parse that information carefully, with understanding.
3) Take action in your life. Deal with facts and consequences like you can do something about them and take responsibility for them. Then you're not stuck.

Noelle Houston:
1) be disciplined 
2) know what's the most important thing(s) to you and why 
3) don't sacrifice what you want in the long run on account of things you want in the present. 

1) make what's right more important than who's right 
2) don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do/ don't define yourself by what you can't do
3) pray/mediate daily.

Taylor Petty:
1) Work to always follow the Spirit. 
2) Eat healthy and exercise. 
3) Think of others more than yourself.

Grant Molnar:
1) Be willing to take risks
2) trust even with its dangers
3) love

Ariel Reilly:
1) Love God
2) Love people
3) Keep trying.

Derek Hodges:
1) Live a goal oriented life
2) Choose to be happy
3) Don't lose your perspective on what really matters.

Wanda Molnar:
1) Find the will of God for you and do it (that means be able to recognize and respond to the Holy Ghost)
2) Have good relationships. 
3) Change someone's life for the better.

Tamia Gordon:
1) accept yourself
2) love everyone
3) be grateful for whatever you have.

Emily Larsen:
1) find happiness in what you do 
2) fulfill dreams/desires
3) do things to better yourself as a person.

Kayden Caldwell
1) Love God
2) Hear the voice of the Lord
3) Do what He says. 

Hayden smith
1) Relish the past
2) Enjoy the moment
3) Hope for a better future

Olivia Mayer 
1) Pray for the guidance of the Holy Ghost and follow it 
2) Look outside yourself to serve others as the Savior would 
3) Strive for excellence in all that you do

Erica Hawkins 
1) Understand who you are and your relationship to God
2) Seek, be worthy of, and apply personal revelation every day 
3) Put the happiness and welfare of others before your own

Kari Alexander
1) Live worthy to have the companionship of the holy ghost 
2) Love  no matter what
3) Serve

Gary Alexander 
1) Live the gospel of Jesus Christ  2) get as much education as you can
3) marry in the temple 

Carlie Palmer
1) Honor your covenants.
2) Keep the commandments.
3) Choose to be happy.

We see a lot of different points of view and also many similar views. Here is a list of ten keys to success given to us by Elder Richard G. Scott, a living apostle of The Lord Jesus Christ:

To Succeed in Life
1. Establish principles to guide your life.
2. Don’t make exceptions to your standards.
3. Be loyal.
4. Live so that the Lord can guide you.
5. Serve others.
6. Smile.
7. Don’t complain.
8. Always have a Church assignment.
9. Worship in the temple.
10. Follow the Savior’s example.

To read more about these ten points check out Elder Scott's full talk here: