Sunday, May 4, 2014

Let Your Light So Shine

Its a new semester and we have a lot of new faces joining us in the Provo YSA 2nd stake! We will be having trainings in everyone ward soon once all the callings are issued to fill the spots in the digital mission committee. Right now we want to give an overview of what the digital mission is and how everyone can get involved with our efforts to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the whole world! Let your light so shine :)

❖First off, if you have any questions or suggestions you can go through your ward’s district leader or post it/message on the stake Facebook page. The contact info for your ward's district coordinator is in the "about" section of the Facebook page.
❖Get the word out! Share with the world. Especially your friends.
❖You can participate in every aspect of the digital mission! You don’t need a calling to do any of the things that the stake digital committee is assigned to do.
❖We need the expertise of the whole stake. Message in your ideas and suggestions.

Facebook page: headquarters of the stake digital mission.
Provo YSA 2nd Stake Digital Mission
➢Like it!
➢Share it with other members from all over and share with them how they could get involved with the digital effort
➢refer regularly to the stake page to find new blog posts, announcements, tips and other updates to the stake social media accounts
Every day there will be a new post on the page. Each day of the week has a certain theme. The daily post themes are the following:
Sunday - Missionary Moments & Stake Digital Mission Leader Blog Post
Monday - Weekly Challenge
Tuesday - Zone 1 & 2 Blog Posts
Wednesday - Digital Missionary Work How-To
Thursday - Zone 3 & 4 Blog Posts
Friday - Funny Friday!
Saturday - Updates & a Mormon Message

➢Promote the blog by sharing it with everyone
➢Share ideas of good blog topics to write about
➢Volunteer or be invited to be a guest blogger
➢Invite others (preferably non-members) to be guest bloggers. 
Comment on the blog with questions or your personal testimony
➢Share the blog sites with friends/family currently serving missions so they can share it with their investigators when appropriate.
Digital Mission Leader Blog:
Zone 1:
Zone 2:
Zone 3:
Zone 4:

YouTube: Let's Touch A Million Lives
➢Share the videos with everyone
➢Create a video sharing our testimony, a talent or something else creative with your ward, FHE group or by yourself. Give these videos to the YouTube Zone Leader. Contact info in about section of this page.

Twitter: @mission1000000
➢Introduce others to the stake twitter account
➢Suggest your favorite quotes to be tweeted by texting in to this number: (765) 387-9722 aka (765) 387-YSA2

Instagram: letstouchamillionlives 
➢Like and comment on the pictures and quotes
➢Introduce others to the stake Instagram account
➢suggest/create pictures and quotes to be posted on the account

Text in tweets, questions, and suggestions here: (765) 387-9722 aka (765) 387-YSA2

Email here:

Click here to sign up for the opportunity to write a post for one of the stake digital mission blogs:

We testify that this is The Lord's work and sharing His love with our brothers and sisters around us brings great joy and many blessings into our lives. Welcome to the stake and we are happy to have you! Together we can touch millions of lives!

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