Sunday, March 9, 2014

The World's Most Expensive Lightbulb!

Service is a wonderful way to find joy in this life. However, it can be hard to find opportunities to give meaningful service. Sometimes we even hold back from  helping others because we are afraid we will just make the situation worse. This last week an event happened in my family that taught me a lesson about serving others. Here is the story of "The World's Most Expensive Lightbulb!"

Last week my mom posted this picture on Facebook: 

Many people commented asking what had happened but she didn't tell why. I finally called her up to ask what had happened to her favorite table. It turned out my dad wanted to change all the lightbulbs in the kitchen, and to render this service, he stood in the middle of the kitchen table. Oops. Many people would consider this a major fail, but I was touched when I heard what my mom said about it. "Your dad was just trying to make me happy." Yeah, so he broke her favorite table. But she was able to see that he did it for a good reason. I am grateful for a dad that has a good heart like that. Plus, he fixed the table afterwards:

J.K. Rowling once said, "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default."

We can be tools in God's hand in helping His children feel loved. We just gotta go for it. When we have love in our hearts, our service will impact those around us in a positive way, even if we break their favorite kitchen table!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Jordan, this is such a nice post. You were born of the goodliest of goodly parents! (and p.s. i'm totally stealing your jkr quote!)
