Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Parable of the Chemistry Test

The Parable of the Chemistry Test

A couple days ago I had a General College Chemistey test. In the weeks leading up to this test I studied for hours upon hours so I could be ready. When the time came to take it, with my trail mix  and water bottle in hand, I marched into the testing center. Four hours later I finished the test and as I looked at my grade I realized I had achieved a new personal record... for the lowest test score I had ever gotten! 

But the feeling I had as I left the testing center surprised me. Instead of depression and wallowing, I felt two completely opposite feelings:
1. Peace
2. Determination to do better

I was grateful for these feelings and the spirit helped me learn a lesson about life. I believe that our earthly achievements are not as highly regarded in the eyes of God as are our efforts to become better people. Of course He wants us to succeed and be happy, but the blessings of His gospel to do not hinge on the results of a chemistry test, a promotion at work, the amount of money we have, or any other worldly advancement. We are blessed when we are striving to follow the Savior.

I believe I was accorded peace after that test not because Heavenly Father wanted me to fail, but because He was happy with my hard work to prepare. Instead of me then being weighed down by the heaviness of failure, I was lifted up by the hope of improvement. 

I know that because of the victory of Jesus Christ we all have a hope of improvement. The Lord is waiting to reward every effort we make and give us strength beyond our own. All we must do is turn to Him. :)

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