Sunday, August 31, 2014

A French Miracle

I visited home last weekend for a very special family occasion. My little brother was going to the temple to recieve his Endowment! (

Before we entered the temple we stopped by the visitors center to look around. Right before leaving, my dad told me he heard a sister missionary speaking French, so I walked up to her and started speaking French with her. I learned that she only knew basic vocabulary but it was still cool. 

After we went back outside to take pictures in front of the temple, we were shorty followed by two sister missionaries from the visitors center who wanted to talk with us. They told me that two French people had just walked into the visitors center with limited English, and they wanted me to come help teach them! It was the perfect timing!

I was able to speak with these two young French guys about the restoration of the gospel and how it could be a blessing in their lives. The reason that the came to the temple while on vacation was because they saw this huge, beautiful building on the hillside and they were just drawn to it! And now they have a greater understanding of who we really are and how Christ is at the center of all we do. They even know where to go to contact the missionaries in France to learn more!

I am grateful to a Heavenly Father who looks over us and guides us to be in the right place at the right time. I know He loves us and wants us to be happy. The ultimate proof of this love is manifested through Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 

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