Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Parable of the Basketball Team

As you prepare to make the team you realize that you are going to have to work hard. You have a couple buddies helping you out, but it's difficult to change your footwork errors and improve your dribbling. Despite the difficulties, you improve through practice and your desire to be on the team grows. You realize that even though you are making a bunch of shots now it is not directly contributing to the team winning any games. You know that you will never get a championship ring if you're not on the team. 
So even though you're not perfect at free throws, you try out for the team. To your great joy, you are welcomed whole heartedly. The coach tells you that even though you still have many things to work on, he will be there to help if you put forth the effort. He tells you he can make you into an all-star if you trust him.
At first it's hard to learn the plays and it gets a little discouraging. Fortunately, you have your teammates there to lift you up and help you see your potential. 
You win some games and you lose some, but all throughout the season you are getting better and it feels good. You finally feel like you are where you belong. Your skills are way more advanced than they would have ever been if you hadn't joined the team. 
The championship game comes along and you can't help but feel a bit inadequate and overwhelmed. You go to your coach's office and explain your feelings. He smiles and says, "I know how you feel. I've been there before. You are so much more talented than you know. Don't worry about those yelling in the stands. They can't harm you unless you let them. Follow the plays I've taught you and you can't lose." 
The championship game feels like a blur. It's like you are floating on the encouraging confidence that your coach has in you. As you raise the championship trophy high above your head there is an overwhelming joy that fills your heart. Tears flow freely as you reflect back on the season and all you have been able to accomplish. With the help of your teammates and especially your coach, at the end of the season you have become the basketball player you were meant to be. Your name is placed in the hall of fame right next to your coach's. 

You can join the team too!

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