Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Christmas Miracle!

Through an experience I had this weekend I was reminded of the importance of persevering towards our goals even when the odds are slim!

So we planned a double date to go see a showing of the play Savior of the World in Salt Lake City this past Friday with hopes of getting four standby tickets because the show was sold out. We left a bit latter than expected and their was a bunch of traffic so we didn't get there until right before the show was going to start. We quickly made a plan to drop of my buddy and his date (who had crutches) in front of the conference center while my date and I searched for parking. When we finally found parking we were in such a hurry to run to the ticket offices that we both forgot our phones in the car and had no way of contacting the others. We decided to just keep going without our phones and hope to find them. Turns out that we arrived at the ticket office at the exact same time as my buddy and his date so we were able to find each other! We then asked the man outside if there were any standby tickets and he told us that there were none! We were about to leave when we decided to just go in anyways just to check for ourselves. When we entered the theatre our group was easily spotted thanks to our friend in crutches and out of the blue we were offered four free tickets! All the circumstances leading up to that point made for some perfect timing where we were right where we needed to be at the right time! We enjoyed an absolutely beautiful show and we marveled at the miracle that allowed us to get there! Through this experienced we learned that when we have a worthy goal we shouldn't be stopped just because others tell us we can't get there. With faith and The Lord's well timed, tender mercies miracles really do happen!

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