Sunday, November 17, 2013

Seize the day!

This week's blog is about taking advantage of all good opportunities that come our way and it's written in both English and German by guest blogger Eliza Garlick. Thanks Eliza! She writes:
Mark Twain said, “I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one.” There are so many possibilities before us every single day!  We have the opportunity to choose what we will do and who we will become.  If we are not aware and actively seeking out opportunities we may miss them.  When we take advantage of the opportunities presented us, we will be able to have a more rich life.
I love this quote from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Apostle of Jesus Christ.  He talked about being grateful and celebrating these opportunities presented to us. “…Don’t close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each day’s ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life. The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives. These are they who are truly happy.
Last week, I had such an opportunity, to go with a group of friends to celebrate a German holiday called St. Martins day.  St. Martin was such a person that took advantage of the opportunities to do good and reach his potential.  The most famous story about him is that he was riding his horse on a very cold night and saw a beggar in need of his help and the warmth he could give.  He got off the horse and gave the beggar half of his cloak.  He saw the opportunity to do good and took it right away.
The Festival can be compared to the American Halloween where children walk along the streets and knock on the doors to get treats.  In order to receive candy in Germany, the children sing a song and hold a paper lantern they have made themselves.
One of the songs includes:
SonneMond und Sterne,
Brenne auf mein Licht
Brenne auf mein Licht
Aber nur meine liebe Laterne nicht.
Laterne Laterne
Sonne mond und sterne,
Sperrt ihn ein, den Wind,
Sperrt ihn ein den Wind
Er soll warten bis wir zu Hause sind
Laterne Laterne
Sonne mond und Sterne
Bleibe hell mein Licht
Bleibe hell mein Licht
Sonst strahlt meine liebe Laterne nicht.

Basically translated it means: lantern, lantern, sun, moon and starts, just wait wind, just wait wind, you should wait until we are at home.  Lantern ,lantern, sun, moon, and stars.  Stay bright my light, stay bright my light, or else my wonderful lantern won’t shine.
St. Martin’s day is always celebrated on November 11, a time when because of the time changes and the season changing, it is very dark, and the celebration is to remember the light and to bring light into the world.  St. Martin did this in the way he served others, and that is something we can remember every day.  We can choose to be the difference that the world needs and take advantage of these opportunities available to us.
This wonderful family from Stuttgart Germany has lived in Provo for 5 years and they generously hosted the neighborhood as well as a group of students from BYU in their home.  The night started off with making homemade paper lanterns.  If you would like to make one of your own follow this link:

After our lanterns were ready, we watched a little skit of St. Martin given in German with an English translation.  It was neat to look around the circle of so many different people of all ages and cultural backgrounds together to celebrate.

We walked around the block holding our own paper lanterns and following a horse with someone acting as St. Martin.  It was a neat experience to meet new people, experience a new culture, and learn how to do new things.  Each day when we choose to take advantage of opportunities like this, we are adding new moments to our tapestry of happiness and life experience.

Sometimes I almost get overwhelmed at all of the opportunities available.  I’ve called it the Disneyland syndrome:  there are just so many things to do and so little time!  There are even more opportunities available  it seems when we are college age students in a university town.  There are always cultural and local events where we can get to know others and share ourselves with them as well.  One way we can take advantage ofthese opportunities is to start now.  Little by little and day by day looking for opportunities, and where there aren’t opportunities creating them!  When we do this we can be like lanterns on a dark winter night reminding us of goodness and light in the midst of trial and problems.

Ich bin dankbar fuer die Moeglichkeit auf Deutsch zu schreiben!  Ich habe das noch nicht viel gemacht, und dass koennt ihrbestimmt sehen als ihr es lest, aber Ich will bestimmt diese dingeteilen die mir wichtig sind besonders mit meine Freunde die ausDeutschland sind.  Diese Chance dass Ich Deutscschreibe isteine gute Beispiel wie wir keine angst haben sollen wenn wiretwas neues tun.  Wir werden es nicht perfekt schaffenaber esist schon wichtig das wir unseres bestes geben und dieMoeglichkeiten zu nehmen die uns bereit stehen.  
Also, ich hatte letze Woche die Moglichkeit gehabt in Amerikaein Deutches Feiertag zu Feiern mit eine Deutsche Familie!  Eshat mir zu denken gebracht wie wir Moeglichkeiten annehmensollen und das groesste Potenzial erreichen die moeglich ist.
Es gibt taeglich tausende moeglichkeiten entscheidungen zutreffen!  Es fuehlt sich als ob waehrend dieser Zeit meinesLebens gibt es noch mehr moeglichkeiten entscheidungenmachen zu muessen als je zu vor.  
Wenn wir jedes Mal die Erfahrungen nehemen die uns offenstehenwerden wir ein volles Leben haben.  Ich hab eine Zitatgern die Praesident Dieter F. Uchtdorfein Apostel des Herrn,gegeben hat.  Es heisstDie glücklichsten Menschen, die ichkennesind nicht diejenigen, die ihre goldene Eintrittskartegefunden habensondern jene, die auf ihrem Weg zuerstrebenswerten Zielen die schönen und kostbaren alltäglichenMomente erkennen und zu schätzen wissenSie sind es, die Tagfür Tag die Fäden des Lebens zu einem Wandteppich verweben, der von Dankbarkeit und Staunen zeugtSie sind es, diewahrhaft glücklich sind
Ich glaube meine persoenliche Wandteppich ist reichergeworden in die letzte Woche wegen diese schoene Familie ausStuttgart und die Feier die sie gegeben haben.  Ich bin dankbardass es die Moeglichkeit gab diese Erfahrung zu haben.  
Die Feiertag heisst Sankt Martin’s Tag. Sankt Martin war so einMensch der die Moeglichkeiten gutes zu tun angenommen hat.  Er hat so viel dienst gegeben und gutes getan.  Er ist sehrbekannt fuer eine Geschichte ins besonders.  Er hat sein Mantelein arme Bettler gegeben auf ein kalter Nacht.  Er hatte so vielLieb fuer alle Menschen besonders Kinder und hat ein sehr guteBeispiel gegeben.  
Wir feiern diesen Tag indem wir Lanterne basteln und das Lichtleuchten lassen in den Dunklen nacht.  Weil es Winter istist esschon sehr dunkel und kaltaber das Licht ist warm und bringetwas Freude und eine gute Errinerung dass wir Licht in einDunkeln welt erschaffen koennen.  Wir haben ein sehr schoenesLied gesungen als wir um die nachbarschaft gelaufen sind.  Esging:
SonneMond und Sterne,
Brenne auf mein Licht
Brenne auf mein Licht
Aber nur meine liebe Laterne nicht.
Laterne Laterne
Sonne mond und sterne,
Sperrt ihn ein, den Wind,
Sperrt ihn ein den Wind
Er soll warten bis wir zu Hause sind
Laterne Laterne
Sonne mond und Sterne
Bleibe hell mein Licht
Bleibe hell mein Licht
Sonst strahlt meine liebe Laterne nicht.
Es war unglaublich schoen alle die neue Leute kennen zu lernenund mehr ueber dieses Feiertag zu lernen.  Ich denke wir sollenimmer die moeglichkeit nehmen die da sind, und wenn es keinegibteins erschaffen!  Es bring freude unser Leben mit solcheErfahrung zu erfuellen!  Ich bin dankbar fuer alle dieErfahrungen die Ich genommen habe und lade euch ein das selbezu tun!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Eliza & Jordan! Proof that even the smallest events and opportunities can color our lives. I recently had an unexpected opportunity to hear a French hymn being sung and recorded in a friend's studio. Who could have thought that words I could not even understand would affect me so much, yet here I am the next day with that song stuck in my head, wishing I knew how to sing along. Keep up the adventures!
