Saturday, November 9, 2013

He will guide us

Nov 8
I am really excited to start this blog! I hope I don't sound awkward at first as I write because I have never done a blog before. So don't judge... :)
Anyways, for my first blog I want to share an experience that happened to me the other day that illustrates a principle that I consider very important in all my decision making.

A little background info: Often we are given opportunities to organize or lead an activity or group which requires a good amount of planning and time. I was recently blessed with one of these opportunities here in Provo. I was asked by local church leaders to help develop a way that many local members of the church can use social media to share the things that matter most to them with others. I took it to The Lord in prayer. For a week straight ideas flowed into my mind and many friends added great council. Now here is the neat story I wanted to focus on:

On Thursday after my Music 101 class I was walking with a buddy named Hayden and he asked me what I was doing that night. I told him I would probably be brainstorming ideas for this church assignment I had received and I explained what it was. We then had an awesome discussion about the project. He went on to say that he knew somebody that could be of great help to this cause. He knew the social media representative of a large company who was well trained in spreading information through technology. That very night my buddy Hayden called her and I was surprised at what she told him. She said that recently she had just finished a book called The Power of an Everyday Missionary (a book I am currently reading) and right before my buddy called she was pondering on how she could better use her skills for a good cause in the world! Hayden passed me her contact info and when I called her I could hear the excitement in her voice when she said "I'll be over in fifteen minutes!" That night we had an awesome discussed that proved to be quite helpful and productive. I know that it was meant to be.

The principle that this experience illustrates for me is that when we have responsibilities or decisions to make, if we go to The Lord for help He will always be there for us guiding us and helping us. As I continue to share experiences on this blog I will also share about what role God played in each of those circumstances. Sometimes it's hard to recognize his answers, sometimes He lets us decide for ourselves and sometimes He even shows us His sense of humor. In all cases, I know that he is always there to guide us when we seek Him.

Feel free to share your feelings on this subject in the comments :)

This is me and my dog before she passed away :)


  1. Great first post. I love those times when you think you're just talking to a friend but it turns out they were the perfect person to tell because Heavenly Father knew they had something you needed (sometimes even before you realized you needed it or after you thought it was too late).

  2. I love a quote that reminds me of what you wrote! It says: The simple secret is this. Put your trust in the Lord, do your best, then leave the rest to him. When we do our best things work out and opportunities are there that we wouldn't have expected!

  3. Hey Jordan, I like this post! Our Heavenly Father does guide us to opportunities once we ask. I was also thinking, I was recently hired by the More Good Foundation to translate church articles in French and have been given this link to know where to start (yes, unfortunately it doesn't go very much into details and stays at the surface of the topic but it might still be helpful).
    By the way, cute dog- sorry for your loss.
