Sunday, January 5, 2014

One imperfect step after another

 Hope everyone had a great break! Are you ready for school to start up tomorrow??? 

For a lot of us there is always at least a little anxiety as we start a new chapter in our lives; whether it be a new semester or a new apartment or anything like that. Important decisions must be made that could shape our destiny and it could be scary. 

I sometimes catch myself pondering upon questions such as, "what if this doesn't work out?" Or "what if I fail?" I've learned that though it is always good to have a backup plan, if we dwell too much  on these questions it can hinder our progression. I feel that what matters most is that we are moving forward and doing our best; replacing fear with faith. It is not always an easy task to overcome fear with faith but it could only be done as we move forward. 

But what if we really do mess up? The words of Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf have reassured me as I have asked myself this question. He said, "With every step we take following the Son of God, we may be reminded that we are not perfect yet. But let us be steadfast and constant disciples. Let us not give up. Let us be true to our covenants. Let us never lose sight of our Advocate and Redeemer as we walk toward Him, one imperfect step after another."

The simple phrase, "one imperfect step after another" means so much to me. It's a beautiful thing to know that when we are faced with new circumstances and difficult decisions even our imperfect steps will lead is to where we need to be if we are striving to follow the Savior of the world.

Happy New Year everyone! Let's make this year the best one of our lives :) 


  1. This is a great tie in with New Year's, because this quote reminds us that even if we make inspiring goals and struggle to keep them, we are still okay, as long as we keep progressing on the Lord's path.

  2. I love that it is one imperfect step after another. It's okay that our steps are faltering. It's okay that they are imperfect. It's okay to stumble, okay to fall. As long as we are seeking the Lord and His will and doing our best to move toward Him and our ultimate goal, we simply cannot lose. Just get up and try again, and again, and again, and again, and again, as many times as it takes even if it's a whole lifetime and more.
