Sunday, January 26, 2014

Going Home

When it comes down to choosing between family and anything else, I'm always going to chose family! That is a decision that I don't ever have to question. As I got ready to drive back to Utah from California after spending a couple weeks with my family over Christmas break, I reflected on why I love being home so much. Here is the list I posted on my Facebook profile but now with a bit more of an explanation:

Ten things I love about being home:
10. Hot tub

-This is my relaxation place. A lot of people have something similar. Whether it be their favorite chair, or a walk on their favorite path. I think its important for everyone to have their own relaxation place. 
9. No school

-I get to rest my brain a little bit from the stresses of school. It always feels better when I know I had worked hard and tried my best the semester before.
8. Playing games with the family

-You win some and you lose some, but it always makes for some good quality time as a family. (even if my older brother always cheats).
7. Mom cookin my favorites

-This is just one of the many wonderful things my mom does to make me happy. She is the best! 
6. Jam sessions

-I really believe that music has a great healing power. I feel a lot of love during our family jam sessions! 
5. Amazing California weather 

-Nuff said.
4. Seeing old friends 

-Its always nice to catch up with old friends and laugh when sharing memories. 
3. Seeing my best friend, Chris "Hambino" Hamblin.

-I am lucky to have a great best friend who is like a third brother to me. I can always count on him and we are there to always lift each other up.
2. Father's priesthood blessings.

-I hold these sacred moments very dear to me. It is an amazing blessing to have the priesthood of God in our home.
1. Being with the ones I love more than anything in the world.

-I really do love my family more than anything else. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family.

Every family is different but one thing is for sure, and that is that we all belong to God's family. Right now we have to do all we can to prepare to go home to Him when this life is over. I know that through Jesus Christ broken families can be healed and we all have the opportunity to live with our family forever. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Calling all bloggers: Let's touch a million lives together!

Hey hope everyone had an awesome first week back at school! 

By the raise of hands, how many people are getting tired of reading what I have to say each week? 
It's ok, I can't see you so you won't hurt my feelings. Haha but in any case I want to give the opportunity to as many people as possible to share their own experiences as guest bloggers on this blog. 

Tonight I got to talk with an amazing person who has had so many wonderful experiences in life even at a young age. It made me realize that since we are all going through a lot of the same things this time in our lives, we ought to share our experiences and learn from each other. Whether it be anonymous or not, we want to hear your story!

What was the hardest trial or decision you've had to make? How did you get through it? What helps you to balance school and work and social life and everything? How do you stay happy in stressful times? 

There are so many things on our plates during the decade of decisions but we are not alone. There are so many experiences and lessons learned to be shared with one another, whatever they may be. Have you always wondered how you can make a difference or help others in need? Now you can. This is what this blog is all about. We can touch a million lives together. 

So, are you ready to share your story? Or do you know somebody that wants to share their story? You can also suggest topics that you would like to see others write about. Comment in this post or message us on our Facebook page: Provo YSA 2nd Stake Digital Mission. 

Have a great week!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

One imperfect step after another

 Hope everyone had a great break! Are you ready for school to start up tomorrow??? 

For a lot of us there is always at least a little anxiety as we start a new chapter in our lives; whether it be a new semester or a new apartment or anything like that. Important decisions must be made that could shape our destiny and it could be scary. 

I sometimes catch myself pondering upon questions such as, "what if this doesn't work out?" Or "what if I fail?" I've learned that though it is always good to have a backup plan, if we dwell too much  on these questions it can hinder our progression. I feel that what matters most is that we are moving forward and doing our best; replacing fear with faith. It is not always an easy task to overcome fear with faith but it could only be done as we move forward. 

But what if we really do mess up? The words of Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf have reassured me as I have asked myself this question. He said, "With every step we take following the Son of God, we may be reminded that we are not perfect yet. But let us be steadfast and constant disciples. Let us not give up. Let us be true to our covenants. Let us never lose sight of our Advocate and Redeemer as we walk toward Him, one imperfect step after another."

The simple phrase, "one imperfect step after another" means so much to me. It's a beautiful thing to know that when we are faced with new circumstances and difficult decisions even our imperfect steps will lead is to where we need to be if we are striving to follow the Savior of the world.

Happy New Year everyone! Let's make this year the best one of our lives :)