Sunday, August 3, 2014


This week, guest blogger Kristina Murri shares some wonderful insights. She writes:

At this time in our lives, "the decade of decisions," we face many very important decisions, and some of these decisions will be quite hard.


In the past couple of weeks, I have decided to attend graduate school for Statistics and also earn my PhD., so that I can become a professor. While I am quite excited about the opportunities that this choice will offer, it now requires quite a bit of hard work. I will have to take the GRE this summer, fit in a few extra Stats classes before I graduate, while continuing to improve in my classes.


At times, it would be easy to back out and say what I am facing is too hard and too difficult or not worth it in the long run, but during these times is exactly when I must demonstrate more faith and even - courage. Courage is doing the right thing even though it may be the hard thing. While I may face much work ahead of me, I hope it will be worth it and so I will continue to press on. Courage is continuing to exercise faith even when the odds may be against us.


During this day and age and phase in our lives, we must develop the attribute of courage. We must stand strong for our beliefs despite the outcomes that lie ahead.


That's why I love this video about courage. It shows Queen Ester as she approaches the king in behalf of the Jews. To stand before the King without being called was to face death, yet through her fasting and prayers and the fasting of her people, she goes in unto the king.


This video teaches that whatever our individual circumstance, we will be called to face the difficult tests. The choice is ours to show courage or to falter.


This is what President Monson says about courage. "Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. Courage is regarded not only as a willingness to die manfully, but also a determination to live decently. Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well."


Most of all, I know that courage will allow us to prove our faith. We will become more like Christ and in the end, we will be glad that we have chosen the high road and not to falter. Courage gives us the ability to practice other Christ like virtues. Exercising our courage will transform us into people of strong character.


I am choosing to have courage!

-Kristina Murri

Want to know how you can gain more courage through Christ? Chat with a Mormon here:

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