Monday, November 25, 2013


During the decade of decisions and throughout our whole life we can be happier when she show gratitude. Thank you Nicole Ashby for being the guest blogger and writing about the importance of gratitude for you! Happy Thanksgiving to all and enjoy this post :)

Nicole writes:

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, many people reflect on the things they are grateful for.
In this video, Elder Hales talks about how we can show gratitude to our Heavenly Father in more ways than one.  He also talks about why it is important to have a thankful heart.

What a beautiful way to explain how Heavenly Father views our acts of gratitude.  I love that Elder Hales says, “our obedience to the laws and ordinances and commandments is the greatest expression of love and gratitude that we can bestow upon Him.”
Heavenly Father told us how to show him that we love him.  He said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” –John 14:15
These are powerful statements that cannot be overlooked.  I have often thought about why we choose to be obedient to the commandments and to uphold the standards that we do as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  As we grow up, each stage in our life seems to offer various ways to live in a worldly manner.  There are so many things vying for our attention; it is really quite pervasive.  Heavenly Father is aware of the temptations we face, and He feels that we value Him when we choose His ways. 
Additionally, it is important that we express our gratitude to our Father in words.  In humble prayer we tell God that we recognize His hand in all things.  We realize that the goodness in our lives comes from Him, not from us or random happenstance.  Some of my most spiritual memories have been realizing how much I have to be thankful for as I express thanks to God for big and small blessings in my life.  It becomes more natural to look for blessings in my life as I thank Him for them often. 
There truly is so much to be grateful for!  An attitude of gratitude has proven to brighten my life and I am no anomaly. It helps me to focus on what I DO have and not dwell on what I don’t have.  When we feel that blessings are few, it is important to say to our Father, “Thy will be done.”  He sees us using the Savior’s Atonement to lighten our heavy hearts.  He reaches our reaching and is proud of us when we recognize that it is Him through which our blessings come.  My relationships are sweeter as I tell people I am grateful for what they do to bless my life, often simply by being in my life.  Just as Elder Hales says, “Gratitude is a divine principle.”  I have felt that divine Spirit and Comfort that is open to all who will recognize and thank Heavenly Father for their blessings.

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