Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Parable of the Vacation

Recently I had an amazing blessing of being able to return to France and Switzerland where I served two years as a volunteer missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I went all alone and it was a true adventure! I came back with more than just another trip to Europe under my belt. I learned some special lessons that I would like to share with you all! See if you can see how the people in my story can represent the Savior in our own lives.

Getting to Europe was a challenge. I knew it would be hard but I knew it would be worth the effort. The first day I tried to get on a plane with my standby ticket I wasn't able to. I hoped for an available seat for the next day but when I woke up the next morning I learned that the planes for that day and for the following days were all full. There was little chance I would get there if I kept trying to go to Paris. I also learned that morning that there was a chance I could catch a  plane to London! I rushed to the train station that took me to the airport but even with this haste I missed the checkin deadline to catch the flight. I wasn't sure what to do until I saw a man who looked like he was in charge. I told him I was late and asked what my options were. He said that I missed the deadline but he could make a call and see what he could do. To my great joy he said that they would let me through! Woot woot! I ran through security and barely made it to the gate to get the last spot before takeoff! 

I got to Europe at about 12pm which is 3am in California and I hadn't yet slept. With no access to internet or portable communication, I dragged my luggage around London for a couple hours until I finally decided to buy a bus ticket through the EuroTunnel to Paris. Unfortunately there were no available spots on a bus until the next morning! I was stuck in the very expensive town of London with no place to stay. As I laid on the grass in a park I had no idea what I was going to do. Despite the menacing doom of my current predicament I had a feeling that all would be ok. I was determined to reach my goal and I wouldn't give up. I found strength to lift my tired body off the floor and kept going. Finally I was lead to find an Internet Cafe where I paid to use the internet. There, to my surprise, a message from a friend I made as a missionary was waiting for me on Facebook. It said, "mate, are you in London??? :)" (he saw a post my mom had tagged me in saying that I was going there.) I told him I was and he explained that he had been living in London for the last three months and that I could stay at his place that night! Saved!

With a full stomach and great night's rest I set off the next morning to take the train that would take me to the bus going to Paris. To add to my difficulties, all the trains were closed that day for a strike! Yikes! I was guided to a bus that would take me to the same place. I nervously waited, wondering if I would be late and have to pay for another ticket and hope for another open seat sometime soon. I got to my destination and ran to the station where I made it just in time to catch my bus that took me to Paris! My suit was a little worn out and my legs were barking but I made it to Paris. I found my way to the train station through the metro system and I was finally at my destination that night at 10:30. 

It may have been the craziest and most tiring trip I have ever taken but it was all so worth it. Later that week I was able to witness a family that I love be married for time and for all eternity in a temple of God in beautiful Switzerland. The joy on their faces filled my heart with gladness and peace and I forgot all the troubles I had gone through to get to were I was. I know I could never had reached my destination alone and I am so very grateful! 

It doesn't matter how we get there, as long as we never give up. Heavenly Father is there every step of the way to guide us and lift us up.

LDS temple in Bern, Switzerland