Sunday, April 27, 2014

Deep Beauty

This week's blog post is written by guest blogger Kristina Murri! Thanks Kristina!

She writes:

One of my favorite Mormon Messages is called "Deep Beauty" which describes the unique opportunity that Sister Elaine S. Dalton had to meet President David O. McKay and his wife.

I love this video because it describes the kind of person I would like to become.

I love how it describes what it truly means to be beautiful in God's sight.

There are many people in the world who are confused about what it means to have beauty. They try to cover up who they are, find the latest new fashions, or try a bazillion other things so that others will see them as attractive or popular.

However, when we come to know who we really are, those things do not matter nearly as much. While those things can help us look nice and respectable, they are not what define us. Elder Maxwell has said, "We are not mortal beings on a spiritual journey, but we are heavenly beings with an earthly passport."

I believe that each one of us has this quality of potential as Sister Dalton speaks about. As we live righteously, we will be prepared to inherit our divine nature as children of our Heavenly Father.

Kristina Murri

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Because of Him

Happy Easter!!
How has the Savior changed your life? Comment on this blog by finishing the sentence:  
Because of Him....

Learn more about the true meaning of Easter and the Atonement of Jesus Christ here:      

Monday, April 14, 2014

Oh, My Joy is FULL!

This week's wonderful post is written by guest blogger Kristen Kennedy:
My heart is full with the joy and excitement of the first General Women's Meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

All women, ages 8 and up all over the world were invited to attend the meeting, or a broadcast of the meeting. Leaders from the General Auxiliaries of the Church, including the Primary, Young Women, and Relief Society, hosted the meeting

As a woman in the Church, I was curious to see how the meeting would be able to address needs of women from the young age of 8 to the more mature years. I was excited to learn, to grow, to feel, to hear, to know the truths that were taught. I was filled with the Holy Ghost, as the meeting progressed with music, talks, and presentations. 

I have always felt a connection with music. Although I am not the most musically inclined person, I appreciate music and feel so much more with music than I do with other mediums. The choir was made up of girls, young women, and women from many stakes in Utah. The songs they sang were filled with strength and the Spirit, with truth and testimony, with beauty and bravery. Along with the actual singing, I absolutely LOVED how many moms and daughters were singing together, and holding hands or touching in some way while they were performing. I have to admit, I missed my mom a bit more during those parts. I was overwhelmed by the messages of love, hope, and determination in the music.

The talks that were given were beautifully basic. We were taught simply to be covenant keeping women. We were instructed on how to use our hands and lives for good. We were shown the example of others, and our Savior, on how to become more, to become who we are meant to be, to become that perfect (complete) person our Heavenly Father knows we are, even if we don't see it yet. I loved how all 4 speakers were able to beautifully intertwine concepts and truths throughout the meeting, while still presenting ideas in new ways that provided me with 'aha moments'. 

The presentations reminded me of the beautiful fact that we are a worldwide sisterhood. I thought of my beloved sisters in Bulgaria, my cherished sisters from my younger years, and my treasured sisters with whom I get to interact on a regular basis these days. We may speak different languages, we may find beauty in different things, we may have assorted goals in life, but as President Henry B. Eyring said, "We are more alike as Daughters of God than we are different." There is greatness in our diversity, and strength that comes as we find connections, and as we remember the wise words of Marjorie Pay Hinckley, "Oh, how we need each other!", we will find unity and strength, no matter where we are geographically, spiritually, or emotionally. 

One of the blessings from this meeting were the thoughts and inspirations that came to my mind. Yes, the words that were sung, spoken, and presented were well thought out, lovely, and true, but the thoughts and inspirations that came TO me are precious invitations to act, do, and become. I look forward to the processes in my life that will help me become the woman I am on my way to becoming as I fulfill my potential more and more each day. 

Oh, My Joy is FULL!